Beyond Health Care:
Community, Action, Health, and Equity
Thursday, April 24, 8;00 am (check-in) 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (program) at the Ambridge Event Center in Portland (map & directions)[pullquote4 align=”right” cite=”2013 conference participant”]”I usually leave this sort of thing feeling pretty depressed about the hopelessness of it all. On the drive home from this conference, I was full of ideas of things that I could do. That sounds kind of trite when I say it, but I am looking at some things in a whole new way. Now all I need is to take that from thought into action…” — 2013 conference participant[/pullquote4]
[download_link link=”” variation=”red” target=”blank”]Conference Agenda (PDF)[/download_link]
[download_link link=”” variation=”red” target=”blank”]Conference Track Agenda (PDF)[/download_link]
We Can Do Better is not your typical non-profit, and each year we host a not-so-typical conference as illustrated by this comment.
What to expect
In addition to the great Keynote Speakers listed below, we have something for everybody this year to Learn, Connect and Act. We have a great line up of expert panelists to help you learn, connect with others and then take action. Whether you are involved in healthcare or Public Health – or are a patient, caregiver, concerned citizen, or policy maker – we hope to see you on April 24.
Conference Tracks will include:
- Affordable Care Act(ACA)/Universal Healthcare: Access and Barriers
- Food Matters
- Healthy Communities
- Patient Engagement
- What am I Paying For? (Price Transparency and Quality)
Our annual conference delivers timely and pertinent information while listening to participants and incorporating their perspectives into our next steps. In order to achieve fundamental change we need people from across the spectrum to engage and provide input in this important process. In our 2014 conference, we will:[div style=”float:right;”] [fancy_images width=”300″ height=”224″] [image title=”Ambridge Events Center” alt=”Ambridge Events Center” caption=”Ambridge Events Center”][/image] [/fancy_images][/div]
- Present a framework we can use to improve our health care system.
- Offer updates on federal and state health policy.
- Identify the priority areas for action to improve health and provide better care.
- Create powerful health caucuses that come from the community instead of a political party.
Keynote Speaker Regina Holliday
Holliday is a patient advocate who advocates through her art. After spending 16 years working in retail management and six years teaching art, Regina began painting a series of murals depicting the need for clarity and transparency in medical records.
This advocacy mission was inspired by her husband’s struggle to get appropriate care during eleven weeks of continuous hospitalization at five facilities. After his death, she began painting a large mural entitled “73 cents.” This piece – on display in Washington, DC – and depicts the Holliday family’s journey through the medical system and their desperate attempt to access his medical record. The painting became part of the national healthcare debate and was featured on BBC, CNN, CBS, AOL and the Voice of America. The Washington Post and many international newspapers reported on this painting during its completion in the fall of 2009.[fancy_link link=”/events/we-can-do-betters-2014-annual-conference/about-regina-holliday/” variation=”red”]More about Regina Holliday[/fancy_link]
Congressman Earl Blumenauer
Also speaking will be Rep. Earl Blumenauer (OR-3) who has created a unique role as Congress’ chief spokesperson for Livable Communities: places where people are safe, healthy and economically secure.
He is currently a member of the Budget Committee and Ways and Means Committee and the subcommittees on Health and Trade.

John Santa, MD
John Santa, MD, MPH, Director of the Health Ratings Center at Consumer Reports will be returning to participate in our conference this year. We will be closing the loop on some of the topics Dr. Santa brought to our attention at last year’s conference including Open Notes and Choosing Wisely. Come and learn how you can get involved with We Can Do Better in this important work.
Tricia Tillman, MPH, Director of the Oregon Health Authority’s Office of Equity and Inclusion, will be our closing speaker. Her personal mission is too engage and align diverse community voices and the Oregon Health Authority to assure the elimination of avoidable health gaps and promote optimal health in Oregon. She would like to see all people, communities and cultures co-creating and enjoying a healthy Oregon.
Who typically attends?
Anyone with an interest in transforming healthcare including: health policy leaders from government, the private sector and medicine, business leaders, and community members who want to learn about policy options, and how they can weigh-in and influence decisions.
If your organization is interested in sponsorship opportunity, please contact Amy Fellows, (503) 609-0304 . To stay updated as conference details emerge, please subscribe to our updates using the form in the right sidebar.
[download_link link=”” variation=”red” target=”blank”]Sponsorship Packet (PDF)[/download_link]
[download_link link=”” variation=”red” target=”blank”]Conference Background Info (PDF)[/download_link]
We offer a limited number of scholarship registrations. Help make those possible by supporting our scholarship fund.
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