by We Can Do Better | May 27, 2010 | Blog, Learn, Videos
[vimeo url=”″ width=”580″] John Tapogna, president of ECONorthwest, presents Oregon Business Plan’s research and views on the challenges for the 2010s and beyond. Data looking back up to 30 years is made visual...
by Rick Ray | May 18, 2010 | Learn
Here’s a great article by Pauline W. Chen, MD, published recently in the New York Times. She begins: “Transforming primary care — from easily measured, time-limited activities that closely track the existing reimbursement system to more valuable but also more...
by Liz Baxter | May 12, 2010 | Learn, We Can Do Better - News
There is hardly a day that goes by without someone asking about the federal health insurance reform bill and what it will mean to them as it gets implemented. When people learn that Oregon also passed legislation, there is often surprise – and curiosity about whether...
by Liz Baxter | Mar 20, 2010 | Learn, We Can Do Better - News
So, it’s Saturday morning, and if all goes as planned there will be a vote on federal health reform tomorrow. If your email box is anything like mine, you have been inundated with requests to call your congressman and tell them to vote yes because we want health...
by Rick Ray | Mar 18, 2010 | Learn
In his New York Times column yesterday, Nicholas Kristof wrote about the low-tech factor that has a huge impact on health outcomes: access to medical care. He writes: In short, great health care is often less about breakthrough technologies than it is about access....
by Rick Ray | Feb 26, 2010 | Learn
Writing in the Oregonian, Joe Rojas-Burke reports on, “Safe, simple health tests you can do at home.” His story gets at one of the many drivers of our excalating health care cost. He begins: The blood pressure cuff isn’t exactly cutting-edge...
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