Rare Public Hearing Being Held on Insurer Rate Request

Regence has requested a 22% rate increase in its individual and small group product which currently includes about 60,000 Oregonians. All rate increase requests are public information, but are often written in a way that is incomprehensible unless you happen to be an...

Medicare 101

It’s up to us to keep the Medicare rhetoric based in reality. Do you know its benefits and shortcomings? Can you distinguish between what Medicare covers and your supplemental coverage? Not on Medicare and need a refresher? Here is a  link to a great 101 on Medicare...

On the Road to Transformation

We are stuck between a rock and a very hard place. We acknowledge that today’s system does not work – not for providers, payers, patients or taxpayers. Yet, when new ideas are proposed, we hold on tight to the way things are, saying ‘yes we know things are bad, but...

Community Health Workers

To those who are interested in the role of Community Health Workers (CHW’s) in Oregon’s health care system I wanted to bring up an issue that was discussed by the House/Senate Joint Health Transformation Committee on Wednesday evening (May 4th). There is a...

Laughter May Be a Medicine After All!

The power of laughter and music on one’s health was studied by a group of Japanese researchers. They found indications that laughter and music contributed to lower blood pressure. Referring to their results, Dr. Miller, director of preventive cardiology at the...