Up to $242B in Health Costs of Coal

Valerie Davis, CEO of EnviroMedia Social Marketing, summarized a recent report, “Full Cost Accounting for the Life Cycle of Coal” (in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences). The article describes all of the ways that coal impacts our society and...

Q&A on Oregon’s Health Insurance Exchange

On March 22nd, 2011, two staff from the Oregon Health Authority joined us to answer questions about plans for an Oregon Health Insurance Exchange – Jeremy Vandehey (Community Engagement Coordinator) and Gregory Olivette (Policy Analyst). The video is a little...

Learning From Massachusetts and Utah Exchanges

The Oregon Legislature is grappling with the role that Oregon’s Health Insurance Exchange will take and how it will be run and governned. A recent article published by the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute tries to cut through the stereotypes of two...

Ever Seen the Mad As Hell Doctors?

They are going on tour again! Check out this map The Mad As Hell Doctors (MAHD) follow up on their landmark 2009 national and 2010 California tours with spirited rallies in western Oregon counties during the next few weeks.  Their program features music by local...

Is Sugar Toxic?

Gary Taubes is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation independent investigator in health policy and the author of “Why We Get Fat.” He has been studying diet and health for a very long time. In this lengthy-but-very-readable article in the New York Times, he examines the...