The Triple Aim – Where Do We Go From Here?

Lurelle Robbins is a member of our Community Leadership Council. I had the opportunity to spend 6 hours at OHSU yesterday in an Immersion Program for Legislators and Legislative Candidates as a guest of Wynne Wakkila, candidate in HD 26.  I was impressed by the whole...

Supreme Court Decision Announcement Nears

The Supreme Court has made its decision on the Affordable Care Act, and the date is yet to be announced when it will be made public. This article from The Hill, lays out some possible options around decisions but the last paragraph is most pertinent, regardless of the...

When high-cost care adds no benefit

Two articles appeared over the weekend on the issue of cost and medical value. First, Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D. wrote an opinion piece in The New York Times titled, “In Medicine, Falling for Fake Innovation.” He writes that the federal health reform law...

The New (Ab)normal

The New (Ab)normal The great American road trip is an essential part of most summers. And it wouldn’t be complete without stopping off for a bite to eat along the way. But, not only are healthy options on the highway often hard to find, the amount of food...