Sick Around the World: Other Rich Countries Have Universal Health Care; Why Don’t We?
Join us for a FREE public showing of this PBS documentary about health care in other developed countries.

WHEN: Wednesday, May 24, 2017

  • 7-8pm: showing of the documentary
  • 8-9pm: discussion

WHERE: Velo Cult* 1969 NE 42 Avenue (just north of Sandy Blvd) Portland, OR

T.R. Reid examines first-hand how other advanced capitalist democracies — United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Taiwan and Switzerland — deliver health care and what the United States might learn from their successes and their failures.

Event Sponsors:

  • Oregon Public Health Association
  • Health Care for All Oregon
  • Oregon Physicians for a National Health Program
  • Portland Democratic Socialists of America, Health Care Work Group
  • One Small Thing Portland

Questions? Contact: Ken

*Velo Cult is a bicycle repair shop with a restaurant, bar, and space for community-oriented activities.

Oregon Public Health Association 
818 SW 3rd Ave. #1201
Portland OR 97204