The Public Health Division is currently engaged in an ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) self-evaluation.  The goal of this assessment is to improve ADA accessibility for staff, stakeholders, and members of the public by:

Inviting staff and stakeholders to provide feedback related to accessibility concerns at the Portland State Office Building (PSOB) and with services and activities;

  • Identifying barriers to public activities and services; and
  • Creating a plan for removing barriers, and improving accessibility to Public Health Division services, activities, and the PSOB.

Your feedback will be critical to our ongoing evaluation.  We invite you to answer a few questions about the accessibility of our services and activities in the Public Health Division.

Take the survey to make sure your voice is heard.  The survey should only take 5 minutes of your time.

The survey will close at 5pm on Tuesday, November 15, 2016.

If you have questions or require an alternate format, please contact Tracy Candela, the Public Health Division Safety Coordinator, at or 971-673-0561.