Governor Kitzhaber has proposed changes to the Oregon Health Plan that would provide lump sum payments to Coordinate Care Organizations around the state which would have flexibility to spend funds in ways that improve the care of the patient, eliminating roadblocks and barriers that exist today.
The proposal has been presented to the newly formed Joint Special Committee on Health Care Transformation whose sole mission is to refine and pass this bill. Writing for the Oregonian, Bill Graves reports:
Gov. John Kitzhaber wants to streamline all that – and build a better, less-costly health plan in the process. If his plan prevails in the Legislature, Dickerson will get all her care from a single team called a coordinated care organization. Her physician, eye doctor, dentist, nutritionist and therapist will be on the same team. They will focus on keeping her healthy rather than waiting until she’s sick.
Read the whole story here.
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