December 2010

This e-bulletin provides updates on the work of the committees, commissions and workgroups of the Oregon Health Policy Board and Oregon Health Authority’s health reform work. You received this bulletin because you are subscribed to an Oregon Health Authority or Oregon Health Policy Board e-mail notification service.

You can learn more about the work of committees, commissions and workgroups on the Board’s committee webpage and in the committee overview.

The Oregon Health Policy Board meets December 14. The meeting agenda can be found online.

Health Insurance Exchange Consumer Advisory Group

The Oregon Health Authority recently established a Consumer Advisory Group for a health insurance exchange, which will be launched by 2014. The health insurance exchange will be a central marketplace for health insurance, where people can compare plans and access subsidies.

In 2011, the Oregon Health Authority will develop a detailed plan for Oregon’s health insurance exchange, based on the board’s recommendations. The consumer advisory group will provide input and feedback to staff on the development of a consumer-oriented exchange and on ways to ensure ongoing consumer engagement and interest. The group will meet approximately four to six times from now through 2011 to help shape the exchange for Oregonians.

The ten members of the group were selected for their diverse backgrounds; experience with consumers who will use the health insurance exchange; and strong interest in developing a successful exchange that meets Oregon’s needs. The group includes members from across the state and representatives of small businesses and individual consumers, students, low-income consumers, mental health services, and community collaborative efforts with experience providing health services to uninsured

Health Information Technology Oversight Council

The Health Information Technology Oversight Council continues its work on the health information exchange. Most recently, the council members discussed technology strategy, financial sustainability elements, evolving marketing developments, and core health information exchange services.

Other committee work

Much of the committee work has concluded for the year and the committees will be providing final reports to the Oregon Health Policy Board. For a list of all the committees and to learn more about their work, visit the Committees, Commissions and Workgroups page. Final committee reports will be part of the December 14th board meeting materials and will be posted online.

The Oregon Health Authority is a leader in the effort to innovate for quality and affordable health care in Oregon, by putting the care back in health care, improving the health of Oregonians, and working to lower the cost of care so it is affordable and accessible to everyone.

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