Wow, the town halls are hot in the news – but not because the media is talking about what we need in terms of health reform, or how the health crisis is hurting Americans and American businesses, but because of the sound of people trying to disrupt the town hall process by yelling and screaming.
It would be one thing if the disruptors wanted to show how they would reform the system, but that’s not their goal. They want to stop the process from moving forward altogether. Not everyone in the Archimedes Movement agrees on everything, but we do believe that there are civil ways to disagree, and that we will learn from each other. It would be a rich debate if there were alternatives being put forth during the town halls, but instead the process is being hijacked.
The Archimedes staff went to Congressman David Wu’s town hall this morning and were stunned to see that about 60 people were admitted to the auditorium, while 250-300 people were left outside. The sounds of chants, cheers, slogans and yes, some yelling, were reminiscent of protests of the 60’s. And for those of you who have committed to attend a town hall near you, don’t be daunted. This is so important – if you don’t speak up, your legislator might actually believe that his or her constituents are not ready for reform. The opposite is true, and the only way they’ll know is if you tell them. I’m ready for real reform, my neighbors and people in my community not only want reform, but demand it. Tell them to go back to Washington DC and support legislation that leads to real reform.
Was it frustrating to not get in to the town hall? Maybe, but it was also amazing to see people being creative about what they did while standing outside. One person took his sign and started a petition with it, eventually gathering 80 signatures of people who want national health reform that is accessible to everybody. They took the signatures down to Congressman Wu’s Portland office and dropped it off with staff. There were people there in WCDB t-shirts, handing out literature and information about our what we want in a new system. It was a great opportunity to talk to others who were willing to give up several hours of their day to talk about the kind of change our nation needs. It was inspiring.
Still planning on going? I sure hope so. Think about this:
- Wear your WCDB t-shirt!
- Print out a WCDB 8.5 x 11 sign and wave it proudly. No one can disagree with a statement that says “We Can Do Better!” Here is the link to the Oregon signs
- Want a sign but you’re not from Oregon? Email us ( and we’ll get a sign made up for you.
- Want the talking points again? Click here to go back to this week’s Action Alert with all of its links.
There is no time to delay. If you haven’t yet contacted your senators and congressman do it today. Don’t let August go by without letting them know that you are ready for reform this year.
If you’ve got another idea of something you can do while at the town hall, waiting for the town hall, or standing outside the town hall, post a reply here. Thanks for all you do.
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